Traffic and environment

First-class design

In the design work we consider the customer’s wishes and the details affecting the project comprehensively from the beginning to the end of the project.

Traffic design produces clear, realistic justifications for choosing design solutions. It also includes evaluation of the profitability and effects of rail projects, interaction in the design process, and coordinating design solutions of different technical fields.

A sustainable, safe and functional transport system meets the movement and transport needs of people and business and supports the vitality of regions and the country as a whole. The cornerstones of traffic system design and work are continuity and the interaction and cooperation between actors.

Traffic design

Traffic design is an important part of the preliminary and general planning phases. It helps to assess what kind of infrastructure investments the desired traffic service level requires. Traffic planning produces clear, realistic justifications for choosing design solutions. It also includes evaluating the profitability and effects of rail projects, interaction in the design process, and coordinating design solutions from different technical fields. In traffic design comprehensive consideration is given to the whole of rail traffic, taking into account the needs and possibilities of both passenger and freight traffic. Our traffic design team works in cooperation with other teams and technical fields - this way, the feasibility of solutions is ensured in practice.

Contact us

Eero Kauppinen
Unit manager

Transport systems

A sustainable, safe and functional transport system meets the movement and transport needs of people and business and supports the vitality of regions and the country as a whole. The cornerstones of traffic system design are continuity and the interaction and cooperation of actors. We offer a wide range of expert services to support the development of the transport system, from design to implementing development projects and working with stakeholders.

The goal of traffic system planning is to get people and business transport to move sustainably, safely and efficiently to their destination. Design requires understanding and managing the whole of infrastructure, services and information. We offer a wide range of expert services to support the development of the transport system.

Our services cover the strategic design of the transport system, traffic research and the preparation of materials supporting trusteeship, as well as the support for design and implementation of development projects.

Contact us

Eero Kauppinen
Unit manager

Environmental design

Proxion has taken environmental values into account ​​in accordance with the company's strategy in both its design and development projects throughout its existence. With the help of environmental planning, we can design sustainable, accessible infrastructure that serves all users.

When moving from the preliminary and general design stages to the track and construction plans, the environmental issues become more detailed step by step. In more detailed design stages, the importance of considering environmental impacts increases. Our task is to map the environmental risks, objects and values ​​of the plans carefully so that the infrastructure will be environmentally friendly, accessible and functional for the users and increase the ease of the everyday life smooth and easy regardless of the season and the user's personal limitations.

Maisemasuunnittelu pitää huolen siitä, että lopputulos on visuaalisesti kestävää, maisemaan istuva, kestää aikaa ja vastaa osaltaan jokaista suunnittelukriteeriä. Vaatimuksia tulee paljon erilaisten kansallisten ja kansainvälisten kriteereiden kautta sekä käyttäjälähtöisyyden takia. Näiden nitominen saumattomaksi kokonaisuudeksi on miltei oma taiteenlajinsa, joka Proxionilla hallitaan.

Our landscape design team makes sure that the end result is visually sustainable, fits into the landscape, endures time and meets every design criterion. There are a lot of requirements through various national and international criteria and due to user orientation. Stitching these together into a seamless whole is almost an art form of its own, and this art form is mastered at Proxion.

Contact us

Jouni Mikkonen
Unit manager

find out more

Katriina Viljanen
Traffic and environment
Business unit director
Eero Kauppinen
Unit manager
Jouni Mikkonen
Unit manager

You don’t have to be an expert of a railway field to come work at Proxion. You will grow into one here.

Mikko Saarinen, Managing Director