Railway expert services

Securing the future of railway traffic

At Proxion our job is to improve the safety of railways and urban rail traffic as well as reduce their risks. During the projects our experts constantly evaluate risks so that the results will be top-quality and safe as well as user-friendly. Our versatile trainings guarantee that those working in the rail sector can develop and maintain their skills.

Risk managements of significant changes in railway systems has to be inspected. We also see it as our responsibility to ensure the approval  and enable the use of safe technical solutions and future technologies on the railways.

Security guard and track work supervisor as contract work

Proxion's experts have extensive experience in safety services related to railway works. Through us, it is possible to rent a security guard or track work supervisor for a job at a daily price.

We offer security guards and track work supervisors at an hourly or daily price for both short and longer projects. Our experts are available flexibly from May to September everywhere in Finland.


Please contact our training services and ask for an offer.

Contact us

Kaisa Pakanen
Group lead

Railway safety

We want to be a part of ensuring that moving on the tracks is safe . We help our customers to ensure safety and anticipate dangers by identifying risks in all stages of the functionality’s life cycle. We carry out risk management, construction, operation and decommissioning as an assignment in different phases of planning. We carry out these assignments using the risk assessment methods instructed by the customer.

Risk assessments and safety advisory services related to RID transports, functional safety assessment and risk management (SASC, i.e. Safety Case) as well as personnel safety training in instruction, construction site and factory training can be implemented on a customized online platform, taking into account the company's needs. We develop the industry and work in close cooperation with various stakeholders and authorities.

We always carry out our customers' assignments in accordance with current regulations. We also have excellent expertise in safety culture and HOF (Human and Organizational factors).

Contact us

Joni Kontio
Unit manager

Track Management services

We prepare documentation related to safety management as customer assignment for both industrial railway owners and railway companies, act as a safety manager and offer management services as well as services related to preparedness. In assignments, we map out the needs of our customers and produce our services in a customized and high-quality manner. Our services also include security adviser services (VAK/RID) and various supervising and audit assignments. We offer corresponding services for metro and tram transport as well.

Our team also has strong expertise in internal audit functions for different customer needs. In addition, we carry out assignments such as analysis and classification of deviations for the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

We have carried out several processes in accordance with safety authorisations quickly and efficiently with high customer satisfaction. Our team consists of long-line railway experts. We have special knowledge concerning for example safety management, driver activities, replacement work, equipment, regulations and dangerous substances.

Contact us

Joni Kontio
Unit manager

Implementation services

Our wide range of services also includes commissioning inspection services of safety devices and ATP systems. We perform commissioning inspections with high level of professionalism in both small and large projects.

When performing commissioning inspections, we confirm that the system under review is being implemented in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the industry.The plans made are checked and the functionality and safety of the system are tested. The commissioning inspection assesses whether the solutions made in the project are the best possible in terms of the end result.

The commissioning inspector confirms that the system can be implemented safely. With the ProVISU program developed by Proxion, system testing can be simulated according to a realistic situation. We have also been involved in the commissioning of Finland's first ERTMS test track.

Contact us

Toni Jukuri
Business unit director

Technical safety services

In our security analysis services, we act as experts in the technical risk management of our customers' products and systems. The customer is offered the best-suited analyzes for the different phases of the system's life cycle.

We produce security specification based on a risk assessment for our customers. We prepare the necessary safety analyses, such as FMEA, FTA, ETA and HAZOP analysis based on the customer's needs. Our safety analyzes aim at a reliable, usable, maintainable and, above all, safe technical system, whose performance and reliability can be monitored throughout the system's life cycle. In this way, the customer can be assured that the delivered product meets the requirements specified by the customer and the prepared plans when in use. The performance can be monitored with the RAMS values formed on the basis of the safety analysis.

The adoption of new rolling stock as part of the railway system requires a separate approval. Our fleet services help you meet and demonstrate technical requirements and ensure safety.

Contact us

Mikko Oksanen


Measuring services

In Finland, traffic management is preparing for new radio network based solutions to move towards smart, digital rail traffic. The first ERTMS/ETCS implementations based on radio network technology are already in preparation. Utilization of data enables better planning of rail traffic and infrastructure as well as decision-making.

Measurement services offer expert services in data communication, radio networks and positioning. The mobile measurement laboratory is equipped with versatile equipment that enables data communication and positioning measurements tailored to the customer's needs in the customer's own environment. In addition to network coverage and capacity, we measure the functionality of the customer's critical applications. In addition, we carry out interference measurements of the radio network from different frequency ranges, quality and comparison measurements, and quality measurements of positioning systems, for example.

The measurement services are a comprehensive solution where the customer needs are mapped, the necessary test cases are identified and the implementation of the measurement is customized, after which the results will be analyzed and reported to the customer as agreed upon.

Contact us

Antti Haapalahti
Managing director

Requirements engineering and quality management

The digitalization and standardization of European rail traffic cause new challenges for the safety management of projects in the form of increased legislative and contractual requirements. At best there can be hundreds, if not thousands,of these requirements.

Systematic requirements engineering can be used to demonstrate the conformity of a product, system or service during the entire life cycle of the project. In addition, the traceability of requirements is improved and the assessment of the fulfillment of requirements is made easier. Proxion offers requirements engineering consulting services that improve requirements management and ensure a smoother evaluation and approval process, thus saving the project time and money.

The goal of documentation and quality management services is to ensure that up-to-date and sufficient information is found when it is needed. Nowadays a lot of information is produced, so storing it in a controlled manner and ensuring that the right information is found with various searches is particularly important for all organizations.

Electronic information management systems do work reliably, but finding information from them always depends on human factors. Defining the appropriate attributes and filling them in always depends on people, so sufficient attention must be paid to this when systems are built and put into use. In practice, the aim of the documentation and quality management services is to help our customers define the document and quality management processes that are suitable for them. This makes the creation, processing and archiving of documentation efficient as well as supports the easy finding and updating of the documentation when the need for changes arises.

Traffic design

Traffic design is an important part of preliminary and general design phase and helps to assess what kind of infrastructure related investments the desired level of service requires. Traffic design produces clear, realistic foundation for choosing the right design solutions. It also includes the assessment of profitability and impact of railway projects, interaction during the design process and integrating the design solutions of different technical fields.

Traffic design takes into account the needs and possibilities of both passenger traffic and commercial transport. At Proxion the traffic design team works in close cooperation with other teams and technical fields - that is how we make sure the solutions are viable in practice.

Our logistics design team designs transport and storage solutions cost-effectively and taking the customer's needs into account while making the railway transport a significant part of the transport chain. Examples of logistics design include loading and unloading solutions for ports or factories, layout planning and raw wood terminals.

Contact us

Katriina Viljanen
Business unit director

Transport systems

Sustainable, safe and functioning transport system meets the needs of both people and business as well as supports the vitality of regions and the country as whole. Cooperation, continuity and interaction of actors are the cornerstones of transport system design. We offer a wide range of expert services to support the development of the transport system, from strategic planning to implementing development projects and working with stakeholders.

The goal of transport system design is to get the passenger traffic and commercial transport to move sustainably, safely and effectively to their destination. Design requires understanding and managing the whole of infrastructure, services and information. We offer a wide range of expert services to support the development of the transport system.

According to the Act on the Transport System and Roads, transport system design is continuous and interactive design based on impact assessment and cooperation between authorities and other actors. The purpose of strategic level planning is to coordinate different goals and measures regarding the transport system. In practice, design based on cooperation as intended by the law is nowadays organized through regional transport system teams (Source: Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency).

Our services include strategic design of the transport system, traffic research and the preparation of materials supporting representation of customer's interests, as well as support for the design and implementation of development projects.

Contact us

Eero Kauppinen
Unit manager

Find out more

Joni Kontio
Safety & security
Unit manager
Toni Jukuri
Technical supervision
Business unit director
Antti Haapalahti
Proxion Pro Oy
Managing director
Vesa Korpi
Training and safety services
Business unit director
Katriina Viljanen
Traffic and environment
Business unit director
Eero Kauppinen
Unit manager

The spirit of Proxion is something you have to experience yourself.

Pia Haavisto, Staff Manager